In creating an altar it?s important to have the Baby groot hug minnesota vikings nfl ball shirt besides I will buy this four elements represented in order to create alchemy. Earth grounds energy, water allows the energy to flow, fire transforms the energy, and air moves the energy. A candle for fire, incense for air (I usually work with frankincense for the New Year), a small container of water, and for Earth I use flowers, stones, or crystals. Once you have these foundational elements, you can activate your altar by lighting the candle, and calling in for more light to illuminate your life/path. Then you can place the two lists with the things you?re releasing and calling in for the New Year. The last thing you?ll need is a cauldron (or a small cast iron skillet) so that you can begin the burning ritual. Begin by burning the list of things you want to release, and thank the fire for transmuting these energies. Repeat this step with the other list.
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For the Baby groot hug minnesota vikings nfl ball shirt besides I will buy this cleansing bath, one of my favorite recipes include rue or rosemary, basil, rose, and dead sea salt. Set an intention for the purpose of your healing bath, and thank the water and herbs for their assistance in helping you release them. Then set an intention for something new that you would like to invite in. Each time we cleanse or release something, we want to fill that space with something positive or nourishing.
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