I don’t go full out with demonic costumes or evil decorations on my house. I don’t watch scary movies . But if someone wants to dress as something innocent like a animal or a comic book character. Then it’s alright. What the churches do that my family goes to. They have trunk or treat. Where they park thier cars in the parking lot and make thier car into a innocent theme and hand out candy. But I did disagree with a church that did had a haunted house. Never will go back there. But I’m going to go trick or treating with my sister and her kid and it’s only friends and family.
Here it is in a nut shell you don’t need a bunch of theological mumbo jumbo . The lower churches, Baptist, Pentecostals, and fundamentals equate letting your children participate in Halloween or to give out candy or decorate akin to honoring Satan. So we hold things called Harvest Feast at our churches were candy and activities are like games and even dressup in non-bad guy costumes. Halloween The reasons for these are to combat satanic influences as well as providing a safe place for kids. I think what are referred to as the higher denominations like Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian that provide Harvest type activities do it for the saftey issues.
Maybe it would help you to remember that halloween is connected to the All Saints holliday. In Europe, where Halloween is still considered an imported holliday that has only been picking up in the last 15 years or so, the tradition goes that you visit the graves of your decesed ones and pray for them.
- With Moon Halloween Bedding Set

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